Start Taking the Right Action
Selling a home prior to a pending foreclosure is very stressful. One delay tactic is to file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to restructure your finances. During the Bankruptcy filing, the courts will allow you to stay in your home while the financial solution is hammered out. If you went directly to an Attorney, their ability to fully assist you will be quite limited. Unlike our team at HawaiiForeclosure.org we would execute a renovation plan to maximize the sale price of your property and the sales appear. The goal is to sell the property FAST while selling at maximum profit.

Multifaceted Foreclosure Defense Architect
Team Kokua from HawaiiForeclosures.org will be by your side every step of the way. We will be your multifaceted Foreclosure Defense Architect and assist you in every facet of the process. Unlike an Attorney or Real Estate Agent who’s ability to assist is one-dimensional. Imagine if you asked your Attorney or Realtor for $20,000 to renovate your property. They would simply say NO! At HawaiiForeclosure.org, we have the ability to invest in our client’s properties. We have financial assets in the millions to conduct renovations, makeovers, and creative solutions that are considered “out of the box” and out of the norm. Foreclosures are no laughing matter and we treat them seriously. When it comes to your home, we will fight on your behalf as if it were our very own!